Since the advent of biodiesel fuel, hundreds of Biodiesel Fuel Pumping stations have incorporated this in their sales. Marketed as Premium Diesel , the production itself has ballooned to 1 billion gallons per year in the United States in 2006. Biodiesel is a form of fuel that is made primarily of vegetable and animal oil. This made out of a process called transesterification. Biodiesel is blended with the common diesel and every type of blend is known based on its percentage. The “B” factor is just a letter prefixed in the actual percentage of the blend.
In Australia, majority of trains and buses use a B5 blend in biodiesel fuel pumps. There are recent talks that the blend will be increased to 20% soon but this will cause more expense since not all diesel machines and vehicles are designed to use higher blends of biodiesel fuel. Australia opened its first biodiesel pump in February of 2005. This was opened in Sydney and was then expanded in 2006.
In Canada, Quebec is known for its heavy usage of pure biodiesel in its shuttle buses. In Nova Scotia, biodiesel fuel pumps abound as biodiesel is not only used in vehicles but also in home heaters and public transportation.
There are many more countries that have opened biodiesel fuel pumps such as Malaysia, India, China, Germany, and others. More and more countries are seeing the benefits of biodiesel and the cost they will save if they start using blended versions of biodiesel fuel not only in transportation but also in home heaters and factory machines.
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