Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Pros and Cons of Using Biodiesel

If you watch the news on television, read newspapers or at least take part in conversations with other people, you already know about the rising price of the gas. No matter what your occupation or interest is, education, economics, entertainment, politics, gas is the only commodity that can be a part of your conversation. These conversations always turn into possible alternatives. Biodiesel is the most feasible alternative at present. It is the non toxic, renewable alternative fuel that is made from vegetable oil or animal fat.

In this article we are going to talk about the pros and cons of using this alternative fuel.

Pros of using biodiesel
1.Biodiesel is environmentally friendly. It has low emission, biodegradable and renewable.
2.It is a good way to reduce dependency on foreign oil. Us and many other countries are dependent on politically volatile countries for oil. Increasing use of biodiesel can reduce that.
3.It can decrease the engine wear by lubricating the engine
4.It can be used in any vehicle that has a diesel engine without any engine modification
5.Biodiesel is much safer to use than the conventional diesel fuel.

1. Biodiesel increase the emission of nitrogen oxide which is the main reason of fog creation.

2. Older vehicle may not be able to run on biodiesel. It can clog the fuel tank.

3. Biodiesel is not cost effective, at least not yet comparing to regular petroleum based fuel.

Everything good comes with a drawback. Without a doubt biodiesel has its own drawbacks. But it is still the best fuel alternative that exist.

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