Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Biodiesel as an Alternative Fuel Cars and Do They Work?

People are having second thoughts before they go about converting their car so that it can run on biodiesel. However, one just cannot deny the fact that the fuel of the future looks to be biodiesel fuel. As it is, the world has a limited amount of natural fuel and the way the same is being used; the day is not far off that the natural oil resources of the world will get exhausted.

Once that happens there will be no alternative left apart from moving around on one’s foot or using alternative fuel. Scientists are researching many other different means like electricity and solar cells among others, but they have their inherent problems. Solar energy driven cars require that there is sufficient natural light, a rare commodity during certain months of the year… and what about driving at night? Most of the power plants run on normal fuel and they too will have to look for alternative means for producing power.

If there is no power, how can one run their electricity driven cars? These problems leave us with just one answer and that is using biodiesel as an alternative fuel cars. Tests with this biodiesel fuel have been successful and they are cheap. Once mass production of this biodiesel fuel of the same starts all over the world, prices will go down further. There is no doubt that this alternative means of fuel is the best answer to the dwindling supplies of natural fuels.

Suggested Reading:
+ Biodiesel Fuel and Hydrogen Fuel Compared
+ How to Make Biodiesel at Home??