With the cost of regular, fossil fuel-based, diesel passing $4.419 per gallon, diesel-dependent drivers across the U.S. are feeling a painful financial pinch, and economy-minded tinkerers are brewing their own biodiesel fuel from used cooking oil.
Demand for biodiesel as a viable petrochemical alternative is growing exponentially.
Traditional "garage-style" production methods such as settling tanks, filters and similar methods are slow, expensive, and cannot meet growing demand. In such a scenario, a Centrifuge for the Biodiesel manufacture becomes of great help.
A centrifuge can be used for continuous separation of:
1. Pre-treatment of feedstock to separate solids, water, degumming, and free-fatty acid process from feedstock. Glycerin separation- Make EN/ASTM specifications on free glycerin right out of the centrifuge, prior to wet or dry washing.
2. Water wash separation- Separate free water from the biodiesel. In some cases, achieve EN/ASTM spec. on moisture without the use of a dryer or evaporator.
3. Dry Wash solids separation- to separate magnesium silicate continuously with no filter media to blind, and less labor-intensive.
4. Purification of glycerin- for separation of catalyst/salts and FFA’s.
There is simply no better way to make quality biodiesel quickly than teaming biodiesel reactors with the biodiesel centrifuges. The units are high capacity and are designed to work 24 hours a day for year after year. They are designed to be affordable as well as efficient. A great purchase for any biodiesel business, and at a price as cheap as settling tanks, thus making them a "no brainer" purchase.
The centrifuges are specifically designed for instantaneous and continuous separation of biodiesel/glycerin, as well as pre-treatment separation of water, oil and solids from waste vegetable oils. New centrifuges are CE-approved, with all stainless steel construction generating over 6,000 x G-force!
Flow rates of centrifuges are available from 2000 L/hr - 100,000 L/hr. Manual clean or automatic self-cleaning machines are also available at various locations.
A biodiesel centrifuge is more efficient when separating glycerin from biodiesel. Centrifuges can immediately increase production output by decreasing production lead times. What takes many hours for gravity to separate down to EN/ASTM specifications, a centrifuge can separate instantly in seconds.
Biodiesel centrifuges are ways of making the biodiesel production process happen faster. Under most circumstances biofuel has to "settle" for 12-24 hours to make sure the glycerin is fully out of the biofuel. This process is not convenient for many of those involved in the production of biodiesel though, and so many of them invest in a biodiesel centrifuge.
The settling process uses one of nature’s gifts to us - gravity. The value of the gravity used by settling is 1G (one time gravity).
A biodiesel centrifuge is a mechanical device that spins the glycerin and other impurities out of bio diesel (the same way a washing machine rotates to dry clothes when on the "spin" cycle). By spinning at very high speed our biodiesel centrifuges can reach up to 40,000G (forty thousand times gravity) and so can achieve the settling process that normally requires one day in just a few seconds. Our biodiesel centrifuges can separate the glycerin from biofuel at the rate of up to several thousand litres per hour (one US gallon = 3.785 litres). Thus Biodiesel Centrifuges are indispensible accessories of a Biodiesel producing system.
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